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HK : (852) 3695 0357 | (852) 6502 9862 (Leo Chou) 

CH : (86) 757 2887 0471 | 188 2086 8365(Mr.Chow)

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Average size of a gecko is about 4cm to 40cm.  They are usually in high temperate zones such as forest and desert, tropical and subtropical areas.  But geckos are seasonal insects; they will decrease in amount under the cold weather of 11 degree census.  Tropical geckos will hibernate.  Most of them (75%) are nocturnal.  They produce one to two eggs at a time, their egg shell are fragile.  Some of them in New Zealand are oviparous.  They have pads on the toes; with a small hook that help them walk on uneven surfaces.  They have been living for over five hundred thousand years and they are widely spread over the world.  Because of their strong adaptive abilities, they can survive in different kinds of environments such as dessert and tropical area.

HK : (852) 3695 0357 (Leo Chou)
CH : (86) 757 2887 0471(Mr. Chow)
Macau : (853) 2847 1206 (Stephen Chow)

Hotline : (HK)  +852 3695 0357 

(CH) +86 757 2887 0471 | 188 20868365

(Macau) +853 2847 1206 | 6826 9365

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